

3 posts

what is the name of the source, please tell me :)

28/06/2013 alle 13:09

what is the name of the source, please tell me

what is the name of the source, please tell me :)

Carattere Identificato

Albertsthal Typewriter  Suggeriti da pilaster 

28/06/2013 alle 13:15

The 'ź' circumflex and 'ć' tilde must be from elswhere, or a later version of the font?
Carattere Identificato: Albertsthal Typewriter

Modificato su 28/06/2013 alle 13:25 da pilaster

12/02/2020 alle 11:13

Hello, what is this text, where did you find it please?

Fuso orario: CET. Ora sono le 18:30

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