Pub de ikiiko



4 posts

Help?! What is this font?

15/02/2014 à 08:30

I've been looking for this everywhere!! Please help!

It says: "Share with Friends"

Help?! What is this font?

Polices suggérées

VAG Rounded  Suggérée par rhiii 
Arial Rounded  Suggérée par JackVile 

18/02/2014 à 12:47

not too sure but looks like arial rounded
Police suggérée : Arial Rounded

19/02/2014 à 12:27

i dont think it is.. D:

19/02/2014 à 12:31

Found the font!!
Police suggérée : VAG Rounded

Fuseau horaire : CEST. Il est actuellement 17:16

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