

3 posts

Font ID- A little Help please

Jul 12, 2012 at 19:40

Hey guys, so i donwloaded the font on this logo quite some time ago, i mean the one that spells "consulting", and when i formatted my pc i lost it and the name, can you please help me with this?

Im only interested in the font for "Consulting"
Antero Duarte

P.S.: I do realize that the consulting part lost definition, but i already solved this xD this just happened to be the first version of the logo

Font ID- A little Help please

Identified font

Arista Pro  Suggested by Rodolphe 

Jul 12, 2012 at 22:20

Identified font: Arista Pro

Jul 13, 2012 at 02:04

Thanks a lot man, thats it, i remember now

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