Anuncio de LyonsType
Registrado el 25/05/2014
Autor de 60 fuentes en

Daniel Lyons [LyonsType]

Nacido el 18/08/2000 (24 años, Leo)

Typefaces with superior quality.

All LyonsType fonts are available to download for free. For any inquiries, please contact me by either private message or by e-mail - - your inquiries can be anything; general, custom type, you name it.

Licensing information:
Public domain / GPL / OFL = Whether inside the font files or has a OFL text file inside the package, the font family is licensed under the SIL Open Font License. You won't need to inquire me about the personal or commercial usage of said font family.
100% Free = You are permitted to use one of my typefaces for whatever use there is necessary.
Free for personal use = Some typefaces cannot be used commercially. If some typefaces have the "free for personal use" tag, there are either exceptions of the typeface (such as number and punctuation omission), or the typeface is based on a wordmark of a certain logo of a certain company. In the LyonsType library, fonts that are tagged "free for personal use" are considered to be based on logo wordmarks. There is no commercial license for wordmark fonts, so it is highly recommended to use wordmark fonts (such as Horyzen, Flipahaus, Utendo, Cloud) for personal use only, because commercial use of them can lead to negative outcomes. Nevertheless, wordmark fonts were designed for creative (and educational) purposes and were the inspiration of any original typeface that I could conceptualize. In no event were the wordmark fonts were associated with or endorsed by the respective companies and/or organizations, and the use of them does not imply such. Other font sites may grant users the commercial license to the wordmark fonts, and under no circumstance is it recommended.

It is recommended to download fonts at least from my website linked above or on this profile.


Política de Privacidad  -  Contacto
Links:  On snot and fonts