Anuncio de Pawluk Ivan



70 posts

what font and where to get? :/

Usuario eliminado 601993
12/11/2012 a las 22:13

That didnt even make any sense

12/11/2012 a las 22:14

12/11/2012 a las 22:15

The Kat wonders ... did you ever make sense?

12/11/2012 a las 22:20

In my humble opinion, let's just leave her alone...she'll only start swearing.

12/11/2012 a las 22:27

Which shows what it stands for

Editado el 12/11/2012 a las 22:27 por koeiekat

12/11/2012 a las 22:35

12/11/2012 a las 22:52

$17 and lousy bearings on the P.

13/11/2012 a las 13:37

I don't think the OP realizes that when we are offended - and yes we are - we tend to take a thread to great lengths... literally. We could BOOB this one so easily.

And to the OP - 17 bucks... oh my -- I spent more than $25,000 for fonts since 1988 (I was a professional--and had spent more than that on cold type in years past). I'm legal through and through - and it does make me sad to see my fellow typographer's work be "black marketed, pirated" on the internet. But such is life.

I don't know if I am truly adding anything here - but we are now at #48. Guys - do we go for the 1000 mark - again?

13/11/2012 a las 14:05

Heron2001 ha dicho  
... we are now at #48. Guys - do we go for the 1000 mark - again?

No problem. More than enough material available

13/11/2012 a las 15:08

Heron2001 ha dicho  
I don't think the OP realizes that when we are offended - and yes we are - we tend to take a thread to great lengths... literally. We could BOOB this one so easily.

And to the OP - 17 bucks... oh my -- I spent more than $25,000 for fonts since 1988 (I was a professional--and had spent more than that on cold type in years past). I'm legal through and through - and it does make me sad to see my fellow typographer's work be "black marketed, pirated" on the internet. But such is life.

I don't know if I am truly adding anything here - but we are now at #48. Guys - do we go for the 1000 mark - again?

The OP is actually blameless in all this, it's a troll called Kayleejomarie, who has been making a bit of a fuss over 'her banner' (the OPs sample), being 'stolen' by the OP. Weirdness abounds…

13/11/2012 a las 15:13

Anyway, she removed an article on her eye-destroying tumblr... the article about the robbery of her banner.
the more i look at her blog, the more i understand why she uses the 'bitch' word in every sentence...

13/11/2012 a las 16:37

daaams ha dicho  
Anyway, she removed an article on her eye-destroying tumblr... the article about the robbery of her banner.
the more i look at her blog, the more i understand why she uses the 'bitch' word in every sentence...

I went to have a look, out of curiosity. It has made me regret my recent and well documented trip to Specsavers™. Also, I note, that she offers to make people banners, using the font this thread is initially about, using whatever wording, colour and FX you request.
Wonder if she'd do us one naming an ocean dwelling mammal. In lurid pink…

13/11/2012 a las 17:15


Usuario eliminado 601993
13/11/2012 a las 23:12

Yepp totally im the one making a big deal out of this and yeah i know my blog is horrible isnt it haha you guys are funny and uhhh no I do not make banners for people using the little snorlax font ?

14/11/2012 a las 00:20

Kayleejomarie ha dicho  
Yepp totally im the one making a big deal out of this and yeah i know my blog is horrible isnt it haha you guys are funny and uhhh no I do not make banners for people using the little snorlax font ?

My mistake, and you have my humble apology. It is, however still tempered by the fact of your complete overreaction about someone asking us to identify the font, that you did not create, that you used on your banner here on a font identification forum. It's a font. This is a font identification forum. Explain clearly which of these concepts you don't grasp (I reiterate at this point, that you did not create the font)

Usuario eliminado 601993
14/11/2012 a las 00:23

pilaster ha dicho  
Kayleejomarie ha dicho  
Yepp totally im the one making a big deal out of this and yeah i know my blog is horrible isnt it haha you guys are funny and uhhh no I do not make banners for people using the little snorlax font ?

My mistake, and you have my humble apology. It is, however still tempered by the fact of your complete overreaction about someone asking us to identify the font, that you did not create, that you used on your banner here on a font identification forum. It's a font. This is a font identification forum. Explain clearly which of these concepts you don't grasp (I reiterate at this point, that you did not create the font)

You are 100% correct i did overreact and no you are correct i did NOT make the font i just got a little angry that they just took my banner i am sorry

Editado el 14/11/2012 a las 00:24 por usuario eliminado 601993

14/11/2012 a las 00:25

Usuario eliminado 601993
14/11/2012 a las 00:26

daaams ha dicho  
Anyway, she removed an article on her eye-destroying tumblr... the article about the robbery of her banner.
the more i look at her blog, the more i understand why she uses the 'bitch' word in every sentence...

Yepp I know my blog is eye-destroying ..

14/11/2012 a las 22:36

14/11/2012 a las 23:14

it's "uhhh" not "ehh" you little bitch write it correctly

Huso horario CEST. Ahora son las 09:14

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