Anuncio de abahe



9 posts

whats the name of this font?

31/05/2012 a las 15:28

whats the name of this font?

05/06/2012 a las 15:32

If you want an answer, just bump your topic. Don't duplicate it. If you don't respect the rules, you'll be banned.

05/06/2012 a las 17:18

drf_ ha dicho  
If you want an answer, just bump your topic. Don't duplicate it. If you don't respect the rules, you'll be banned.

I apologize ... put a new image to think that could help to answer.

05/06/2012 a las 17:21

No problem, still, every time you try to put a new similar image, the topic gets deleted. Usually, we ask people to wait 24h each time, and then they can bump their topic. Then it's ok

05/06/2012 a las 17:28

drf_ ha dicho  
No problem, still, every time you try to put a new similar image, the topic gets deleted. Usually, we ask people to wait 24h each time, and then they can bump their topic. Then it's ok

If I did not get a response within 24 hours, what should I do? Help me because they never want to violate the rules. thank you

05/06/2012 a las 17:33

Don't worry if you don't get an answer after 24h, then you can come back to your topic and add a message saying "bump" ou "up", so the topic goes back on top. But honestly, if you don't get an answer in the first days, you might never get one.

05/06/2012 a las 17:56

drf_ ha dicho  
Don't worry if you don't get an answer after 24h, then you can come back to your topic and add a message saying "bump" ou "up", so the topic goes back on top. But honestly, if you don't get an answer in the first days, you might never get one.

If no response is obtained in the first five days, and if I have a new image, which can help to answer, what should I do? Replace the image? How do I replace?

I ask please that I never delete it from the dafont ... if I make mistakes tell me so I can learn.

thank you

05/06/2012 a las 18:01

Actually, you can change your image in the initial post, just click on "edit" in the first message and then change the image. And then add a message to "bump" your message so it goes back on top.

11/06/2012 a las 12:48

drf_ ha dicho  
Actually, you can change your image in the initial post, just click on "edit" in the first message and then change the image. And then add a message to "bump" your message so it goes back on top.

Hello, I can not replace the image that is a new one, so you can get help? Edit field, not in the first post. How should I do? Thanks

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