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26 posts

Embedding Jump Start Font


28/06/2011 a las 22:04

Well, my fixed and completed version of the font is done. I've sent along the version to her along with updated copyright information. We'll see what she says before I put it up here.

29/06/2011 a las 17:06

Well, sad to say that while she was quite happy with the additional work I put into the font, she did NOT want to share copyright or credit on it. So, I'm calling it a dead project. I may clone the font outright, starting over with it, but I've got other things to get finished first. C'est la vie.

29/06/2011 a las 21:38

Of course she doesn't want to share copyright. It is her's.
Did you ask for permission to change the embeddings settings? As that was what this was all about ...

29/06/2011 a las 23:40

I did. I got the impression that she wanted /no/ changes... not even that one. :(

30/06/2011 a las 01:14

I think you asked to much. Should have focused on the embedding ... imho ...

30/06/2011 a las 02:07

She seemed hostile from the first reply, unfortunately, when I just queried that she was the creator of the font. Though I guess it's impossible to gauge well on the intertubes, as you well know. :(

Huso horario CEST. Ahora son las 18:24


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