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12 comentarios

Maelle.K  16/03/2015
Nice One Bro!
Youssef Habchi  autor de Streamster   17/03/2015
Thanks Master !
Smug Platinum  18/03/2015
Looks cool! Can I use it for a non-commercial videogame project for a mention in credits?
japey  25/03/2015
Hi I would like to use your font for an event I'm creating I don't have a budget. What are your condition? Can you contact me
kred  26/03/2015
Very nice and fresh font. Looks quite dynamic.
jpears21  29/04/2015
Wondering how much to purchase this font for commercial use?
Ventripical  28/08/2016
I really like this font, and would want to use this for non-commercial.
Ventripical  28/08/2016
My other comment doesn't matter, I had explained myself in a bad way. I would like this font for a logo, if you care enough send me an email at or you could hit me up in the dms through twitter @VentSans
SamJGreen  31/10/2016
Hello, i like zu use it for a Bookcover. Can you contact me?
Winter Phoenix  24/01/2018
Hello I would like to use this font for commercial use can you please contact me - thank you love this looks amazing!!!
psychoirrel  17/12/2018
mr yousef i am awiting for respond for using this for commercial purposes. i made a game in last month and i wanna uses this on title. its urgent.
arif_qadri  30/12/2018
I would just say that dafont helped me a lot for signing my name signature, it's very helpful to demonstrate for me. thanks, please stay tunes with us.

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