Barcode Font
39 comentarios
have been lookin for this for a long time now. thanks! :)
Usuario eliminado 72634 18/04/2007
this is a nice font!
Does any body know if it works - does it make scannable price tags, for example?
I wouldn't know, but I doubt it 'cause a lot more information is stored in price tags than just the numbers below it.
anke-art autor de Barcode Font 15/02/2008
It's NOT a functional Barcode font, I made it simply for design purposes.
This is very good.I like to use this for credit.
i love this font!! what type of font did you use under the barcode?
This is perfect for the work I'm doing at the moment. Great.
Ugh this is a horrible font!! >:(
NAWH IM JK, I love it :DDDD <333 lovey dove dovee :D
i think this is such a touching font it really opened my emotions up on life! i love this and i love you! shag me now! i love3 you DAFONT!
to the person who created this font i really like it and i am currently designing my own clothing brand and was wondering what i would need to do to be able to use it on some tshirts
wow.. DRKXTC you are one dumb motherfucker, you need to layer in the information using the legit software for bar codes, you can just draw a bar code and expect it to work.....
HI Do you have this application for Mac? Thanks
Hi Anke,
Really like the font, great work.
Have you or could you tell me the name of the font used below the barcode design, but within the font? Hope that makes sense.
Many thanks, StarMonkey :)
anke-art autor de Barcode Font 31/01/2012
The font underneath the barcode is part of this font and doesn't come from any extra typeface.
i will use this barcode font on my site and products thabk you very much
www.mobilyala.comSafari isn't letting me download your fonts! Please I need help I really want them on my ipad
anke-art autor de Barcode Font 23/01/2013
@Dancexoxo48: Sorry, but I can't give you technical assistance - please refer to an iPad forum.
Yup indeed, nice barcode font! Can you give us more tutorials on how to
generate such nice barcode font in .NET? Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
anke-art autor de Barcode Font 06/09/2013
@arronlee: I don't have the slightest idea... sorry.
Hi Anke,
we would like to use your very nice font to highlight a sentence in a public Employee-Magazine. What about your terms and conditions? Is it possible to use this font in principle? And if yes - how much do we have to donate you for your work? Nice Greets, viele Grüße Ruth
I use this barcode for my card shop and it works great. i have software to make them programable to work.
@anke-art: I see this was made a long time ago hope you are doing well in life :D
Hi, is there anyway to license this font for anything other than personal use? I've emailed and messaged the author to no avail.
so how do i actually use this font on my phone?!
Love this ..don't let the shit in it's a great looking FonT no one said it was a freaking working barcode stop being A-hole's
wtf john 2 why would dafont shag you? thats a bit weird isnt it?
Hi anke-art I love this font I want to use it on t-shirts to spell out my hometown with other graphics I made a small donation will add more later thank you!
My friends wrist looks just like this. So detailed. Thanks