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2.384 posts    Identifizierte Fonts

Posts von Menhir

13.10.2010 um 10:21  [Antwort]  Burn notice TV Series font

Nimbus Sans bold with a modification for the "t" (from an other font ?) and the "r" (sure manualy).

Vorgeschlagener Font: Nimbus Sans bold

Bearbeitet am 13.10.2010 um 11:01 von Menhir

13.10.2010 um 10:02  [Antwort]  Asterix

Le logo Asterix a été créé à la main par Uderzo.
Etant donné la différence d'inclinaison des lettres entre le début et la fin du mot, je doute qu'il soit possible d'en faire une police utilisable.

Si c'est juste pour ce logo, je te conseille d'utiliser un simple scan (bien néttoyé).

13.10.2010 um 09:46  [Antwort]  Sherlock Holmes

The two "l" are different, idem for the "e"s and the "o".
Surely it's manual.

If you want to find a font with the same look, you can shearch here :

13.10.2010 um 09:00  [Antwort]  Is this possible..?

For a "private use", probably yes.
For a "public use", probably no. Perhaps it can be beser for you to choice a basic font not so famous than Arial, created by no-professional, and contact him to agree what's possible.

12.10.2010 um 15:47  [Antwort]  What is this font

12.10.2010 um 12:06  [Antwort]  Please help! Please please

Many possibilities. One of this : Pop Warner (with a stary modification of the A)

Vorgeschlagener Font: Pop Warner

12.10.2010 um 11:56  [Antwort]  What's this font?

Trade Gothic Bold Extended
The "u" and the "t" are different, maybe from an other font.

Vorgeschlagener Font: Trade Gothic Bold Extended  (Bereits vorgeschlagen hier)

12.10.2010 um 11:29  [Antwort]  similar font?

It's not a font, it's handmade.

12.10.2010 um 11:18  [Antwort]  Please ID this script font

Identifizierter Font: Commercial Script

Perhaps bold and printed on bad peaper.

Vorgeschlagener Font: Baskerville

08.10.2010 um 17:39  [Antwort]  What is this font?

Perhaps the points are self-created, but the "O" or the "D" avec curves too much close Arial to be self-created.

08.10.2010 um 15:35  [Antwort]  What is this font?

Hit the Road is not suffisently bold.

Vorgeschlagener Font: Hit the Road

08.10.2010 um 15:25  [Antwort]  What is this font?

It can be many font.
The most classic with this look : Arial Black (or Helvetica Black).
But the point in Arial is squar and not round.

Vorgeschlagener Font: Arial Black

Bearbeitet 2 mal. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 08.10.2010 um 15:36 von Menhir

08.10.2010 um 15:17  [Antwort]  Identification de typo

It'a not "&" in the Green piloww font...

08.10.2010 um 12:15  [Antwort]  Identification de typo

Peut-être que celle-ci pourrait te convenir :

08.10.2010 um 08:56  [Antwort]  Font Identification

and the politeness ?...

07.10.2010 um 12:45  [Antwort]  polices invalides

Parfois, lire le manuel, ça peut avoir du bon...

07.10.2010 um 09:48  [Antwort]  polices invalides

daFont ne vend pas de logiciel. Ce site se contente de proposer une liste de logiciels concernant les polices de caractères.

Maintype est édité par High-Logic ( ) qui dispose d'une page de supprort ( ), d'un forum ( ) et d'une adresse mail de support ( ).

Le site internet lui-même est aux abonnés absents... Je pense que cette personne a du passé à autre chose depuis 2005.

Can you do a scan of a part of this (just two lines) bigger ? Because an identification with a text so little, it's very difficult.

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