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 263.335 Downloads (5 gestern)   100% Kostenlos

7 Kommentare

bythebutterfly  20.01.2013
This font is beautiful! Thank you :)
- Vanessa Bays
typodermic  Autor von Pupcat   22.01.2013
Bee Happy Design  15.01.2014
Where can I get the webkit for this font?
Bee Happy Design  15.01.2014
Where can I get the webkit for this font?
typodermic  Autor von Pupcat   10.02.2014
swerendipity  11.08.2021
excuseme, can i get it for commercial use?
typodermic  Autor von Pupcat   11.08.2021
No problem. The font includes license agreement which allows commercial use.

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