Linux Biolinum

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 223.574 Downloads (29 gestern)   Public Domain / GPL / OFL - 15 Font-Dateien

3 Kommentare

davidmx  05.08.2022
Hi, I choosed your police for a logo.
I've red the license and all, but in fine, I don't understand if it's really free to use. The logo will be use in Togo for a grocery.

Thanks for your answer,
best regards

Hi Philipp H. Poll,
I choose your font Linux Biolinum, and I would like to use it for a logo (for a fashion brand) so it will be use to make labels etc on accessories that will be sold. Before to go ahead I would like to be sure that I can use it. I've red the licences but is not clear at all. I try to go on your web site ( but I can't find any contact to write you so I'm texting here.

Thank you for your answer
All the best

markushoppe  27.03.2023
Would love to use this font and linux libertine for commercial use, it is such a great font!
Read your licences and all but im still not quite sure ... A short answer would be great. Thank you very much and have a nice day!

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