Hipster Icons

 850.067 Downloads (107 gestern)   100% Kostenlos

19 Kommentare

mayberae  27.02.2021
When I download it it doesn't give me the right font
addisonraes  28.02.2021
the font doesnt work
eiffelzmeilos  28.02.2021
For me this font doesn't work
macaronschars  28.02.2021
this font doesnt work :(
chzrsblossom  01.03.2021
Why Doesn't it work?
sunkinsmomoi  13.03.2021
did the font get deleted?
_.groselha  14.03.2021
the font doesn't work
woodcutter  Autor von Hipster Icons   15.03.2021
Hello, the Font works correctly,
(I checked it right now)
Maybe you had any other problem, I am attaching a link to Dafont's FAQS,
a cordial greeting
parisboutiques  17.03.2021
The font doesn't works! I checked it right now. I am trying to make my theme but I can't! The people say it work, but it is not! I'm mad
auroamelioz  20.03.2021
the font isnt working still but your others are I'm confused I'm sorry for the inconvenience of your font :(
raquxlle  21.03.2021
it doesn't work:((
aesteriacore  22.03.2021
It doesn't work:(
addiqclassy  28.03.2021
It doesnt work :(
pinkpurple1510  08.04.2021
Why mine doesn't work I want this font so badly it's really good but the font doesn't work😭 I want it plsss😖 fix it🥺
..chrystxane  28.04.2021
This font doesnt work all i get is just letters i want use on my theme butbut the icons wont show at all
talkingangela  09.05.2021
font doesn't work
Dumbo_potter  22.08.2021
I fixed the glitch, you need to deleted the font on vont and then import it to vont it should work after that!
woodcutter  Autor von Hipster Icons   22.08.2021
THE FONT WAS UPDATED, if it is downloaded again it works fine.
partybliss  03.09.2023
안녕하세요, 저는 이 글꼴을 디자인 인쇄물에 사용하고 싶습니다.
상업적으로 무료 사용이 가능합니까? 이메일 주소 partybliss710@gmail.com 으로 관련 내용을 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.

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