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 550.157 Downloads (17 gestern)   Public Domain / GPL / OFL

19 Kommentare

white-wolf-2.O  11.04.2011
typodermic  Autor von Electroharmonix   15.04.2011
malvolio  26.09.2012
Cool...I think my takeout place used it in their menu.
sanz67  16.02.2014
kayover  28.09.2016
Very interesting font, thanks.
geraldinecanavati  01.08.2018
I'm so thankful you put this font 100% free, it's so cool! Keep up the good work!
typodermic  Autor von Electroharmonix   03.08.2018
Thanks all!
Ahmadsmobal  26.01.2020
Can I use this font for my commercial use
typodermic  Autor von Electroharmonix   01.02.2020
Yes, it's free for commercial use. Details included with the font.
Mattiac  08.08.2020
One of the best fonts I have seen, Typodermic-san! May I modify it to add the three Swedish characters Å, Ä and Ö?
typodermic  Autor von Electroharmonix   11.08.2020
Arigatou gozaimusu. You don't need to modify it; those characters are already included.
Derry Raizo  15.08.2021
Can I use this font for my youtube logo?
typodermic  Autor von Electroharmonix   15.08.2021
Yes, you can.
IFC2211380  14.05.2023
do i need a commercial licence ?
typodermic  Autor von Electroharmonix   15.05.2023
It includes a free commercial license. Details are included with the font.
Namozz  14.08.2023
Can I use this font? Sorry, I'm just learning this.
typodermic  Autor von Electroharmonix   14.08.2023
Hello Namozz,

Absolutely, it's wonderful that you're eager to learn! I'm here to help.

The font, Electroharmonix, comes with a complimentary desktop license. Here's what this means:

1. Free Commercial Use: You can use this font freely for print projects, graphics, logos, videos, and many other applications. Whether you're creating a poster, business card, video intro, or designing a t-shirt, the desktop license has you covered.

2. No Embedding in Apps or Websites: If you plan to use the font directly within a website's text or an app, then you would need a different license called a web or application license. However, if you're just designing graphics or logos that will be used on a website or app, the desktop license is just right.

For example, if you were to create a graphic with a quote written in Electroharmonix for your website, that's perfectly fine. But if you wanted the website visitors to read your blog posts in Electroharmonix font, you'd need a web license.

3. No Restrictions on Trademarking or Copyright: If you create a unique design or logo using Electroharmonix, you're free to trademark or copyright your creation.

If you ever decide you need the font for web or app embedding, you can visit our page https://typodermicfonts.com/electroharmonix to find vendors that offer the necessary licenses.

I hope this provides clarity! Remember, there's no such thing as a silly question, especially when you're just starting out. Always feel free to reach out if you need further information.

Best Regards,
Raymond Larabie,
Typodermic Fonts Inc.
Heyhe--y  31.05.2024
I am a fan of this font.
I think it is very wonderful.
I downloaded this font in a Japanese environment and the adapted characters display differently from the sample.
Does anyone know the cause of this?
typodermic  Autor von Electroharmonix   01.06.2024
Thank you. I don't know what would cause that to happen. There is nothing unusual in the encoding settings that would cause that effect.

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