Cheddar Jack

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19 Kommentare

annygyaruloka  09.03.2014
is there anyway you could make the a with the tilde symbol on? and the c-cedilla?
sometimes aislinn  Autor von Cheddar Jack   10.03.2014
I have a few projects I am doing right now, but I will try to get to that soon! Thanks for your interest.
Trys2smile  22.05.2014
Love this and donated for commercial use thank you so much!!
jaoram  27.05.2014
Love this font! I also donated for commercial use! Thank you!
MrDesignGuy  30.05.2014
Like the style and various line weights!
jordanpond  10.01.2015
Beautiful flow. This font works best with using caps and lower case together. Love it.
Teryxxx  16.03.2015
I would like to use this font commercially (logo). How can I get a license?
Write me please

Thank you
gildedpaladin  25.03.2015
Great font. My client loves it, so I just had to buy it! Thanks so much!
freckles22  07.04.2015

I love this font and would like to purchase a commercial licence - however when I use it the 'y', 'j' and 'g' all look like they are cut off below the text line. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
MOX Designs  03.05.2015
How much do I need to donate to have the permission to use this font commercially. Please answer me on my email:

Thank you!
MarinaMenezes  14.10.2015
I love this!
SimplySan  09.01.2016
Great font, what do I need to do for a commercial licentie, please? Could you mail me at
thejuniperberrie  29.01.2016
I love your font! How do I get a commercial license for it? Please let me know. Thanks so much!
manoushkaia  11.03.2016
I also love your font, can you tell me how much do I need to donate to have the permission to use this font commercially ?
Please answer me on my email:
thank you very much
manoushkaia  11.03.2016
I also love your font, can you tell me how much do I need to donate to have the permission to use this font commercially ?
Please answer me on my email:
thank you very much
sometimes aislinn  Autor von Cheddar Jack   16.03.2016
To use commercially, just purchase a license on my website:
Lorifox  29.07.2016
Love this font and would like to purchase it for commercial use off your web site, however the capital T looks like a G. I want to use it as "Fair Trade" but it looks like "Fair Grade" Any way to correct this so it's not confusing to the reader? Thanks! Lovely work!
sarahmac_creative  27.06.2017
Good evening!

I would like to purchase this font for a client. This font will be incorporated in their branding for their business this includes printed clothing.

Please e-mail me at for further pricing details!

alysdexia  13.05.2018
version metadata need updating

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