Anúncio de fontliner


Posts por metaphasebrothel

The fact that the three A's in 'Saia Na' and the two E's in 'Frente' are identical strongly suggests that this is a font, rather than custom lettering. Beyond that, I'm of no help,

good call, danihonorato! Many have tried to stump the kat on font IDs. Few have succeeded.

07/09/2010 às 03:41  [resposta]  please, identify this font

This might be easier to identify as a positive image:

07/09/2010 às 03:02  [resposta]  Tipitina's New Orleans

This is custom lettering, not a font.

And this:

This one's nice, too:

Editado em 06/09/2010 às 16:28 por metaphasebrothel

This is custom lettering, not a font.

04/09/2010 às 12:34  [resposta]  What font is this?

Thanks, 'kat

04/09/2010 às 01:27  [resposta]  What's this Font?

It looks like custom lettering to me. It would be difficult to connect an i or an o to the k in a font.

04/09/2010 às 01:24  [resposta]  What font is this?

I hope someone can identify this one. it looks awesome, with or without the shadows.

04/09/2010 às 01:18  [resposta]  School of Rock Font?

@ aeroberator: I think it was assumed that you and "chumak" and/or "school of rock" from the abstactfonts forum post are the same person. Your last post indicates that this is not the case. I think it's unreasonable to expect someone to be familiar with discussions on another site's message board. Keep in mind, though that forum moderators can see the IP addresses of people who post on message boards, and I think there is one person who is a mod on both sites, (it's not someone who has posted in this thread).

~bito, (one of several dafont forum mods).

04/09/2010 às 00:45  [resposta]  KAT VON D FONT

tophy52 disse  
I wish i was a tattooed font named "Hollywood" in another future life !
I'd get closer to HER!!

Not with THAT face.

03/09/2010 às 14:43  [resposta]  School of Rock Font?

@ aeroberator: All the help you can get on any Internet message board is in that thread on abstractfonts. Probably the best way to solve your problem would be to hire Jim Parkinson to do the lettering for you. If someone else did it, Jim would have grounds for a lawsuit. Fonts have limitations. Royal Acidbath is as close as you're going to get.

01/09/2010 às 03:30  [resposta]  This might sound really stupid!

K Wilson disse  
...i'm new to this, i know the fonts say 'free' but how do i know which ones i can use for commercial use???

K Wilson, you can use ALL of the fonts on dafont commercially, IF you purchase a license for the ones that are identified as "free for personal use" or "shareware".

In the download .zip for the fonts that are "free for personal use" or shareware, the terms of use should be set out in a text document of some sort, (ie: .txt, .doc, or .pdf file type, depending on the designer's preference). In a small number of cases, the terms of use may be listed in a graphic, or possibly in the font header, (the information in between the name of the font and the character display, when you open the font in preview).

Usually the terms of use are in a document titled "read me", "license" or "lisez-moi", (if the designer is French). These documents or graphics are almost always included with the font(s) in the .zip file. Note that, just because a font contains a "read me" document, it doesn't necessarily mean that you need to purchase a license to use the font commercially. It depends on what information the designer was chosen to include in the "read me". Sometimes it just says 'thanks for downloading my font', and the e-mail address or home page of the designer may be included. Many of the licenses for the 'shareware' or 'free for personal use' fonts are quite inexpensive, when compared to professional/commercial fonts sold at sites like myfonts.


31/08/2010 às 04:24  [resposta]  Plagiarism Sources/Fonts

koeiekat, I didn't see anywhere on the tatipixel site where fonts are being sold. All of the fonts listed in Appaloosa's post are either free, free for personal use, or shareware. The use of those hallowe'en fonts on the page backgrounds of the third link would, in my opinion, fall under the personal use provision. I didn't see anything in the articles for sale that used any of those referenced fonts. I think this is just a disguised spamming to get people to visit the tatipixel site, and Appaloosa is the shill.

mamlol, there are a number of threads in the dafontforums relating to questions from people who want to learn how to make fonts. I recommend that you look at the names of the threads in the 'Technical questions', 'Font discussion', and 'Other' forums. You really should have done that first, before starting a new thread with the same question that others have already asked. You'll probably find that most, if not all, of your basic questions have already been answered.

You should concentrate on threads that are related to making fonts, and threads dealing with font creation software. For example, in 'Font discussions', You should read the threads described as "Which program best for making a font?", "Creating a font?", and "How do you make fonts?". You can find, (yourself), other threads about first time font making in 'Technical Questions' and "other'. If you have questions NOT already answered in those other threads, that would be the time to ask for SPECIFIC instructions, and the proper place to do that would be in the 'Technical Qustions' forum.


29/08/2010 às 01:04  [resposta]  Trying to Find a font

This may not be an exact match, but you could try Lobster by Pablo Impallari:

This is a great free Open Type font. Pablo's font is hosted by Luc Devroye on his On Snot and Fonts pages, (see the link at the bottom of each page on dafont).

Pablo's homepage has a detailed timeline of the steps he took to make this font:

Fonte identificada: Lobster

Editado em 01/12/2012 às 11:56 por dafont

Jey, on your 'My account' link, where you can check the daily and cumulative download totals, there's also a link next to each font, if it has one or more comments. If you click the comments links, they will bring you directly to the page with the comments for those fonts.

Judging by the quality and popularity of your work, I'm sure you have many more comments than most designers. When it comes to download numbers, I think you and Billy A. are in one class, and the rest of us are a few laps back. Keep up the good work!


Oops, Gyom Séguin/Last Soundtrack is right up there, as well.

Editado em 29/08/2010 às 11:31 por metaphasebrothel

A piece of cheese, two wooden shoes, and a tulip to the kat.

25/08/2010 às 23:05  [resposta]  Donation Help

FullerFonts, you don't 'post' fonts on dafont. You submit them, and the webmaster decides if they will be made available on the site. Typically, new batches of fonts are posted every five weeks or so, and those designers who have one or more of their fonts posted in a new batch will receive an e-mail confirming their inclusion, usually on the same day that the new fonts are posted.


24/08/2010 às 19:16  [resposta]  Do you know font this is?

Sorry, but (You Can't Get No) "Satisfaction", to paraphrase Mick Jagger!

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