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14 posts

Outline Fonts

09/03/2011 às 16:30

How do I find all the fonts that outline the letters?

09/03/2011 às 18:17

I really don't understand that question...

09/03/2011 às 18:17

I wouldn't know a way to out line it but one thing you could do is type what you want outlined in like 2 sizes bigger in black then right it again in 2 sizes smaller and put it on the one that is two sizes bigger. A little confusing but if you understand it it should help you out.
Thanks for reading

09/03/2011 às 18:18

Vinz she wants like purple outline around her normal lettering... Ill send both of you guys a picture of my idea

09/03/2011 às 18:27

10/03/2011 às 09:38

mbrzoska disse  
How do I find all the fonts that outline the letters?

What's "outline" ? Did you want hollow fonts ? Like this one :

10/03/2011 às 15:21

@mbrzoska , See this.

10/03/2011 às 15:53

Exactly, yes hollow fonts.

10/03/2011 às 16:00

Outline is the correct term.

11/03/2011 às 11:52

It exist many hollow/outline/emplty fonts with a large palet of styles.
For exempl, in the theme Groovy, you can find some :

What sort of style did you want ? Calssic, rounded, fantasy, etc. ?

11/03/2011 às 13:50

Hi Menhir, 204 was not enough?

03/04/2014 às 19:52

-.- you guys .. you don't make an out lined font that way... please leave it to the real font designers that know what they are doing.. causes font are Vector. -.- and a real font designer knows how to do what you want without the extra baggage.. and guys that don't.. well you won't know what I'm talking about anyways.

03/04/2014 às 20:45

Nobody, not even TaylorTheSkater, said anything about making an outline font. TaylorTheSkater, well known for knowing nothing, just suggested something that was not even asked for. Yes darki, we know how to make an outline font, we even do it once in a while.

Btw, when you dug TaylorTheSkater out of his grave, was he smelling?

04/04/2014 às 10:36

Darki1 disse  
please leave it to the real font designers that know what they are doing..

Many of us are font designer or font creators.

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