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12 posts

Grid fonts not working

02/12/2011 às 13:12

The following fonts archives are not working after download, maybe damaged:


All from the categories of fancy > grid

Other casual fonts are downloading and then opening correctly, so it's a problem of the individual zip files,
anybody else having the same problem?

anybody can fix it?


02/12/2011 às 16:44

nicolacrive disse  
The following fonts archives are not working

What mean "are not working" ?

Can you be more clear and explicit ?

nicolacrive disse  

I've try this tree firsts without problem.
Perhaps have you a problem with your internet connexion...

02/12/2011 às 20:27


- I download the zip files
- the zip files was not opening, error message
- I tried with some other fonts not in that lists,
- zip files were downloadind and opening correctly

so it was not a problem of connection, download, or zip file extraction

i think those individual zip files was damaged, or some other problems

now they seems ok, thanks for fixing, cheers

05/12/2011 às 11:11

Nothing was "fixed". It's your downloading that was bad. An other try you do work probably better. It explain why now it works.

07/12/2011 às 10:07

No no no, my dear, something probably magically fixed itself.
I was downloading 6 files, no zip was working. Also the individual page of each font was not opening, reporting an error.
I tried with a font of another category, zip was opening correctly. I tried again to download 3 times the fonts I needed, zips still not opening.

So if you download 2 files from the same source more then one time, and one file is never working, while the other is working, the problem is not the receiver, but the source.
I know what is troubleshooting and the first thing i check was to exclude a possible wrong download.
So maybe it was a temporary problem, ok, but you should better accept it and make a check rather then think you know it all, when it will happen again you will thank me.
See ya

07/12/2011 às 10:41

No no no, my dear, nothing magically fixed itself. Except for your connection.

07/12/2011 às 11:31

When I try to unzip my font, I get an error message. or
When I try to unzip my font, I get a message saying the zip file is empty.

All of these errors indicate the same thing: that the downloaded file is incomplete, probably due to a hiccup in your internet connection.
The solution is to try downloading the font again.
If you're on wireless you should definitely try plugging directly in.

07/12/2011 às 11:54

@koiekat and menhir

Nice way to reply to someone who bothered to signal you a problem: smilys and sarcasm. Keep going like that, hope you're not payed for the wise pearls that you give in reply to requests from users.

Sure the downloaded file were incomplete. Since it was happening not to all the files i downloaded from your website, it was a limited problem of some of your files.
That's all, it's up to you to take it in consideration or not.

07/12/2011 às 14:00

Thanks for mentioning that it didn't work
we're just explaining you that it's probably a problem from your connexion.

It's not a problem specific to dafon, you can also notice that you'll face the same problem in about every website that allows you to download ZIP files...
ie :

08/12/2011 às 09:45

nicolacrive disse  
No no no, my dear, something probably magically fixed itself.

Nothing is "magical" in computer. Nothing was fixed for the files you're talking.
Something was fixed in your computer or probably for your Internet connection or network of your provider.

nicolacrive disse  
So if you download 2 files from the same source more then one time, and one file is never working, while the other is working, the problem is not the receiver, but the source.

If someone try to download a file and that don't work, if an other people, with an other computer and an other connection, try to download the same file and succes, the problem is not the source but the receiver.

nicolacrive disse  
So maybe it was a temporary problem, ok,

... and magicaly fixed...
I let you beleve it's faeries in computers...

nicolacrive disse  
Nice way to reply to someone who bothered to signal you a problem:

Nice way to reply to someone who loose time to try to solve your problems.

nicolacrive disse  
Sure the downloaded file were incomplete. Since it was happening not to all the files i downloaded from your website, it was a limited problem of some of your files.

It's what happen when the network of a bad provider is overloaded.

09/12/2011 às 09:47

As it seems you havent's solved nothing, but that's for sure a really remarkable professional use of smileys.

Lern from the replies of daaams, that's a professional way to reply to a initially calm and honest request from a user, without transforming it into a fight.

I repeat for all the frustrated: Since it was happening I was signaling you the problem. That's all, it's up to you to take it in consideration or not. Cheers!

09/12/2011 às 11:32

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