Looking for the font that spells out American in the BG. Thanks for the help.
Caratteri suggeriti
Endzone Tech
Suggeriti da SexyElvis7 Orbit Suggeriti da fmontpetit If this is to blurry I can upload a smaller pic. Wasn't sure what Dafont thought.
I believe this font is not available anymore... maybe you could go with
Carattere suggerito:
Modificato su 16/01/2013 alle 18:59 da fmontpetit
They have also developed a custom font NFL Endzone Tech, based on Orbit, which has the same uppercase letters with proper lowercase letters
Carattere suggerito: Endzone Tech
Modificato 2 volte. Ultima modifica su 25/08/2013 alle 15:22 da drf
Here you go! Are you ready for some football??
[Edit: link removed, not sure that's very legal...]
Carattere suggerito: Endzone Tech
(Gią suggerito qua)
Modificato su 25/08/2013 alle 15:21 da drf
Fuso orario: CET. Ora sono le 19:01