

2 posts


Aug 04, 2013 at 21:38

hola, aver yo he creado una marca y registre un logo con su tipografia....ahora he creado un producto pero en el diseņo he puesto otra tipografia ...eso es leggal? o tambien tengo q comprar la licencia de la tipografia que he usado para el diseņo?gracias

Aug 04, 2013 at 22:32

What do you mean? You created a brand logotype and registered that as a trademark in a weekend? In Spain? If that is true you deserve to be nominated as a saint as that would be the ultimate miracle over the past 50,000 years. Hope though you got a volume commercial use license for the typeface or that miracle might send you straight to hell.

There is no legal need for a typeface used for a logotype to be the same as used for packaging. But for the typeface used for packaging you will need a volume commercial use too.

High volume commercial use licenses are usually priced at a few cents per exposure so that sounds cheap. But keep in mind, 30 million exposures - and that is nothing for high volume commercial use - do add up. Even at only a few cents per exposure.
That is why it is often very much cheaper to have a custom font made than using a existing one.

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