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4 posts

Twenty-One Questions for a Font Designer

12/02/2013 a las 01:38

If you have designed fonts hosted on Dafont, please copy/ paste the interview questions to a new window, and tell us about you:

How long have you been making fonts?

About 5½ years, since summer, 2007.

How long did you collect fonts before you made your first one?

About three years.

Do you do any other art/ graphic design, in addition to fonts?

No, not unless you count my source graphics for the fonts.

What fonts or designers inspired you most to start making fonts?

Unca Pale by PaleAle, Mysterious Voyage by Paul Lloyd, Lost World by Shrine of Isis, Manfred Klein.

What is your personal favorite, from among the fonts you've made?

BeautyMarks and KleinKarpets.

Who were your favorite designers before you made your first font?

David Kohne, Paul Lloyd, Dieter Steffmann

Who are your favorite designers on Dafont?

Pablo Impallari, Måns Grebäck, Jellyka Nerevan, Larry Yerkes/ Vigilante Typeface Corporation

What are some of your favorite fonts on Dafont?

Powerview, Darrian's Sexy Silhouettes, Amazigh Motifs

What are your favorite commercial designers/ foundries?

Alejandro Paul, Michael Hagemann/ Font Mesa, Rob Leuschke.

↵ What Themes of fonts interests you most?

Fancy Script, Dingbats.

Do you design all/some/none of your alphabets and/or dingbats?

I always redraw artwork or photos made by other people.

What parts of the font making process do you enjoy the most?

Drawing the source graphics, and recently, removing nodes in the font editor.

What parts of the process do you enjoy the least?

Determining the spacing between letters. Determining ascenders/ descenders.

What font themes would you like to see more of at Dafont?

Fancy scripts, dingbat heads of famous people.

What themes would you like to see less often?

Typewriter fonts, hand printing, and poorly connected cursive scripts.

What fonts do you use most often in your personal documents/ text?

Bookman Old Style Bold.

What software do you use to make your fonts?

MS Paint and ScanFont 3

How long does it take you to make a font?

Usually about 5-7 weeks.

What is your font making procedure?

I do image searches on multiple search engines and sites like Flickr to find source material. I resize/ and or crop the images I want to use, so they have a uniform height. I draw on top of the downloaded image in two colours, composed for black and white. I import the finished graphics into my font editor, and smooth the outlines.

Why do you make fonts?

To give back to the design community for having downloaded other people's fonts. As an outlet for creative urges. As a time consuming hobby that doesn't cost anything to do. To impress women at parties and in chat rooms.

What interesting type designs are you working on now?

King's Ransom, a ransom note font made of decorative letters from diverse sources:

What would you like to add?

People here should write more comments.


How long have you been making fonts?

How long did you collect fonts before you made your first one?

Do you do any other art/ graphic design, in addition to fonts?

What font or designer inspired you most to start making fonts?

What is your personal favorite, from among the fonts you've made?

Who were your favorite designers before you made your first font?

What are some of your favorite fonts and designers on Dafont?

What are your favorite commercial designers/ foundries?

What Themes of fonts interests you most?

Do you design all/some/none of your alphabets and/or dingbats?

What parts of the font making process do you enjoy the most?

What parts of the process do you enjoy the least?

What font themes would you like to see more of at Dafont?

What themes would you like to see less often?

What fonts do you use most often in your personal documents/ text?

What software do you use to make your fonts?

How long does it take you to make a font?

What is your font making procedure?

Why do you make fonts?

What interesting type designs are you working on now?

What would you like to add?

Editado 7 veces. Última edición el 12/02/2013 a las 10:11 por marty666

12/02/2013 a las 10:12

sorry metaphasebrothel, i totally screwed your posts wile editing it to copy tthe BB Code. I replied in your field, and saved it.
I succeded to rollback my modifications, but it was a pain

anyway, here are my replies :

How long have you been making fonts?
since 2005, but the last one was made in 2010

How long did you collect fonts before you made your first one?
i never collected fonts

Do you do any other art/ graphic design, in addition to fonts?
webdesign, b&w film photography, crappy bad taste record covers (last one made in november : ), flyers for hardcore and punkrock shows (last one made on saturday for an upcoming show : )

What font or designer inspired you most to start making fonts?
it's not a designer. I've been working for a font-bank company for 6 years ans a webdeveloper, so i finally was interested in fonts

What is your personal favorite, from among the fonts you've made?
Posca Mad Thrasherz

Who were your favorite designers before you made your first font?
not a special designers. But at that time i was really amazed by the House Industries catalog

What are some of your favorite fonts and designers on Dafont?
Måns Grebäck, Joshua Smith

What are your favorite commercial designers/ foundries?
House Industries, Letterhead Fonts, Ourtype, Underware

What Themes of fonts interests you most?
Sans Serif, Serif, Slab, Destroy, Graffiti

Do you design all/some/none of your alphabets and/or dingbats?
it depends... some were from photos

What parts of the font making process do you enjoy the most?
the first idea / finding a shitty name

What parts of the process do you enjoy the least?

What font themes would you like to see more of at Dafont?

What themes would you like to see less often?
crappy handwritten and shitty destroy fonts

What fonts do you use most often in your personal documents/ text?
print : meta / helvetica (original, uh ?)
web : trebuchet ms

What software do you use to make your fonts?
photoshop / font creator or photoshop / fontlab
yeah, i suck at illustrator

How long does it take you to make a font?
I never completed a sofisticated font. So, it usually takes less than a week.
I once started something more complex, which took me like 2 months, and still need a lot of work to be completed. Maybe one day !

What is your font making procedure?
it totally depends on the font. Sometimes directly made in the font-software, sometimes the glyphs go through photoshop first.

Why do you make fonts?
i .. don't know.

What interesting type designs are you working on now?
currently none. Just a basic font user right now. I'm using Economica Regular by Vicente Lamonaca for a website.

What would you like to add?
ban comic sans

12/02/2013 a las 23:52

daaams ha dicho  
sorry metaphasebrothel, i totally screwed your posts wile editing it to copy tthe BB Code. I replied in your field, and saved it.
I succeded to rollback my modifications, but it was a pain


There is NO reason why you should have needed to modify my post in the first place.

The list of questions is in the second half of the post. You could have selected that portion of my text, copied it, and pasted it into a reply window, before adding your answers.

If you wanted to keep the questions in Bold, you could have quoted me, (which would open a reply window), then selected and deleted the top half of my post, (along with the html quote tags), before adding your answers.

Either one of these tasks can be completed quickly and easily.

I don't understand why you would have chosen a different procedure that involved changing the text in my post. No wonder it didn't work.

Editado 2 veces. Última edición el 13/02/2013 a las 09:07 por drf_

13/02/2013 a las 00:37

my mistake : i edited (instead of quoting) to get the bbcode, then i copied the text, pasted it on my notepad, then made my changes in the notepad, copied the text, then pasted it in the wrong field (the previously opened edition field), then submitted without reading twice.
makes sense ?

Huso horario CEST. Ahora son las 17:09

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