Intellecta Monograms

Intellecta Monograms von Intellecta Design 
 90.046 Downloads (6 gestern)   Kostenlos für privaten Gebrauch
Intellecta Monograms Random Samples.ttf
Anmerkung des Autors
Intellecta Monograms Random Samples, by Intellecta Design

Intellecta Monograms Random Samples is a random and limited set version of Intellecta Monograms, an extensive collection of fonts ammouting thousands of intrincated and vintage monograms, mainly in Victorian style, a Intellecta's best-seller over the last five years. To purchase the original fonts (alphabetical order of sets) and commercial licences, please, visit:

INTELLECTA DESIGN makes research and development of fonts with historical and artistical relevant forms. This font is a FREE software for personal and non-commercial use only. But donations for my HISTORICAL STUDIES about the history of the letters, calligraphy and typography are accepted. This font is for unlimited distribution, since attached in a file zip together with this text. For commercial use you need register this software by sending U$ 17,00 to the following paypal account - - After that, you need sent me a e-mail (, so I will send to you a legal permission to use the font.    Mehr...

Zuerst auf DaFont erschienen: 15.06.2012

Intellecta Monograms Random Samples.ttf
Intellecta Monograms

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