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Code Saver

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Code Saver à  von Dharma Type 
 56.058 Downloads (19 gestern)   Testversion
Anmerkung des Autors
Code Saver — Next-generation monospaced font —
1. is a monospaced font family for coding and tabular layout.
2. is a clean, natural and simple monospaced font family.
3. consists of 6 style, Regular, Medium, Bold and their 11° Italic.
4. is ready in both OpenType and TrueType formats.
5. has 93.33% condensed width for more usable space.
6. has good distinguishability and legibility especially numerals.
7. brings a fresh sensitivity to boring old existing monospaced fonts.

Zuerst auf DaFont erschienen: 14.03.2019

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