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4 posts

Font ID Help

28/03/2022 às 21:41

The font is not normally so pixelated, but I had turned off anti-aliasing and used a small point for this example.
This was a few years ago, and somehow the font is not on my computer anymore. I've scoured various font websites and tried a few font-id ai's with no success.
When I originally found this font, I would have been looking for medieval/ancient/fantasy fonts.
I have not found many fonts with such distinctive dropped capitals, so that is at least something to narrow it down quite a bit.
Thank you for your time and attention.

Font ID Help

Fonte identificada

Euphorigenic  Sugerida por jerseygirl 

28/03/2022 às 21:50

do you have the original? one that's not pixelated?

28/03/2022 às 22:03

Unfortunately, I do not.
The only place I had ever used it was in this example of a pixel-art map I made some years ago.

29/03/2022 às 19:00

could be this
Fonte identificada: Euphorigenic

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