Essence Sans

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 255.024 downloads (4 ontem)   100% Grátis - 6 arquivos de fonte
Essence Sans Light.ttf
Essence Sans.ttf
Essence Sans Bold.ttf
Essence Sans Light Italic.ttf
Essence Sans Italic.ttf
Essence Sans Bold Italic.ttf
Nota do autor
The Essence Sans Typeface

Hi, thanks for downloading my Essence Sans Font Family and I hope you like it. Remember: it's free for personal and commercial use! Hey, like me on Facebook: to know more about me and what I'm doing.

The Essence Sans Typeface was designed by Paulo R in 2013.

Paulo R


UPDATE: 06/06/2013

Fixed the kerning errors in some pairs.
Adjusted the spacing among the glyphs.
Problem with the percent (%) not appering: fixed.
Symbol at (@) re-designed.


UPDATE: 09/26/2013


Visto pela primeira vez no DaFont: 25/05/2013 - Atualizada: 21/12/2013

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