Pubblicità di OCSstudio


Anteprima personalizzata
Sabuga di OCSstudio 
 36.339 scaricati (1 ieri)   Gratis per uso personale
Sabuga Regular.ttf
Note dell'autore
Sabuga font Normal, was created by OCSstudio in 2019. This font is a modern sans serif font that is carefully crafted and clean. The Sabuga font is perfect for designs template, events, invitations, escort cards, table numbers, quotes, displays, logos, blog slides, special addresses, stamps, packaging, greeting cards, websites, and more.

Link to purchase full version and commercial license :

Features For Commercial and Full Version:
- 6 Font
- Light,Regular,Bold ( including Italic )
- Basic Latin A-Z and a-z
- Numeral & Punctuation
- Ligatures
- 474 Glyphs
- 2 Alternate
- Multilingual Support

give me a cup of coffee :

** Thank you for downloading my font, hopefully it’s useful **

Visto per la prima volta su DaFont: 16/05/2019

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