Pubblicità di Polenimschaufenster

PiS Coffins and Ghosts

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PiS Coffins and Ghosts di Polenimschaufenster 
 25.709 scaricati (1 ieri)   Gratis per uso personale
Note dell'autore
Polenimschaufenster and Coffee and Ghosts teamed up for the release of PiS Coffins and Ghosts!
This font is based on the credit titles from the 1960s Edgar Wallace movie “Der grüne Bogenschütze”. It is free for personal and non-commercial use, means: play around with our baby, and we’re cool with it. If you want to use it for a book cover, a poster or whatever, we’re cool after you pay a licensing fee.

More collabo fonts to come! so watch out!

Visto per la prima volta su DaFont: 11/12/2008

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