Pubblicità di Typo-Graf

Maximilian Antiqua Initialen

Anteprima personalizzata
Maximilian Antiqua Initialen di Typo-Graf
 26.124 scaricati (3 ieri)   Di pubblico dominio / GPL / OFL
Maximilian Antiqua Initialen.ttf
Note dell'autore
Rudolf Koch (1876-1934) was a master and genius in type design. Maybe there was no greater type cutter in Germany until today. One of his fonts is Maximilian Antiqua. A rather humble but elegant typeface. I combined it here with a decorative dragon themed frame and made Maximilian Antiqua into a pretty initials font. The font is public domain, free for all uses, commercial and private.

Visto per la prima volta su DaFont: 20/01/2015

Maximilian Antiqua Initialen.ttf
Maximilian Antiqua Initialen

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