Pubblicità di PremiereGraphics


5 posts

Posts di Vizor

02/04/2016 alle 10:10  [risposta]  Hint overlapping in Fontforge?

Ah! That was the problem... THANK YOU!!

31/03/2016 alle 23:56  [risposta]  Hint overlapping in Fontforge?


31/03/2016 alle 15:30  [post iniziale]  Hint overlapping in Fontforge?

Hello! I was creating a font in the Fontforge. All was well, until I tried to validate it. The program told me I had a overlapped hints in the right bracket. However, when I run Find problems tool or double click on the error message in the prompt, I get "No problems found". Can anyone help me?

Here is the .sfd :

Ohhhhhh. Ok! I think I got it. I thought different tables could be used as "folders", so to say. However, I'm supposed to only have one! Ok. I'll try moving everything to a single table. THANK YOU!!!!!

Hello. I am a noob in this field, and I have a problem with kerning and fontforge too. Can anyone help me?

At first,kerning was all fine. All of the changes I made was reflected in the font I generated.
Then, I went back to add some more kerning. However, this time, some of the kerning wasn't appearing when I tested the generated font.

*I tried my font in Illustrator and MS Word, and neither worked.
*The kerning changes not reflected are (W,O)(W,C) and (W,Q). The other change (O,W) was reflected.
*I was using .otf

Here is the .sfd and .otf

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