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16/09/2015 alle 03:07  [risposta]  What happened to my font?

thanx for the answer =)

16/09/2015 alle 00:01  [risposta]  What happened to my font?

I need to know if you're gonna post my fonts here at any point, because of copyrights etc... It influences the value.

Modificato su 16/09/2015 alle 00:03 da rejoin

15/09/2015 alle 11:04  [risposta]  What happened to my font?

Are my fonts they still beeing reviewed?

12/09/2015 alle 20:55  [risposta]  What happened to my font?

Thx for the answer <3 - But still? I think i send in a new version otf where this should be fixed

12/09/2015 alle 16:15  [post iniziale]  What happened to my font?

Is there any feedback when u send in a font? like an email with something like "we got your font"? Cause i'm kinda stuck wondering if it was too bad to get accepted or if i just did something wrong when sending.

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