Pubblicità di Omegaville


Posts di Neoqueto

25/10/2012 alle 16:00  [risposta]  ryuzaki font ?

Carattere Identificato: Ethnocentric

17/10/2012 alle 09:47  [risposta]  Really Need Help


Carattere Identificato: Terminator

15/10/2012 alle 21:46  [risposta]  Can somebody tell me the font ?

This thread - my #1 porn site.

15/10/2012 alle 18:05  [risposta]  Help me out, please

Hey, I think that's actually the very same font, but just somehow modified! Thank you very much, drf!

15/10/2012 alle 16:33  [post iniziale]  Help me out, please

Hey, I need to know the name of this font. Thanks in advance.

Immagine originale:

14/10/2012 alle 21:57  [risposta]  Font?

...almost... so close...

Modificato su 14/10/2012 alle 21:57 da Neoqueto

14/10/2012 alle 21:54  [risposta]  Nombre de la Fuente

Carattere Identificato: Troglodyte pop

14/10/2012 alle 20:48  [risposta]  Any clues for the red font?

Edit: Oh dear, thank you Rodolphe so much, I've seen Earth couple of times, but had no idea what URL should I post.

Carattere Identificato: Earth

Modificato 4 volte. Ultima modifica su 14/10/2012 alle 20:57 da Neoqueto

I and G heavily modified.

Carattere Identificato: Unsteady Oversteer

13/10/2012 alle 22:34  [risposta]  My friend's request...

Thank you Heron!

13/10/2012 alle 15:55  [post iniziale]  My friend's request...

...he wants to know the font used for "NIRVANA"

12/10/2012 alle 12:52  [risposta]  evangelion font?

Been looking for this for a long time, afair it's not only a Kanji typeface (the one suggested in the URL), after a really long search I've found a proof for that, but can't reach it right now. I'll get you some alternatives, hang on.


Carattere Identificato: Dark Future

Modificato su 12/10/2012 alle 12:45 da Neoqueto

11/10/2012 alle 18:04  [risposta]  What font is this?

Only a part of C, T is unknown.

Carattere Identificato: LDR#6

10/10/2012 alle 02:42  [risposta]  Can somebody tell me the font ?

That's such a nice picture, why would we stop bumping this topic over and over?

Slightly modified, fake bold and dot above the "i".

Carattere Identificato: Rezland

09/10/2012 alle 00:36  [risposta]  Anyone know this font?

BUT it may be as well Avant Garde Gothic Book with fake bold - note the proportions of the dot above "i".

Carattere Identificato: Avant Garde

07/10/2012 alle 22:05  [risposta]  help

Very similar after horizontal scaling, but that isn't it.

"Moje serce jest żółto-czerwone..."

Carattere suggerito: Final Friontier Shipside

06/10/2012 alle 17:49  [risposta]  CMD

It's Courier New, 10 pt, you have it on your PC.


Carattere suggerito: Courier New

Modificato su 06/10/2012 alle 17:50 da Neoqueto

05/10/2012 alle 23:21  [risposta]  Font?

Fake bold.

Carattere Identificato: Rezland

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