Pubblicità di letterativestudio


Posts di Neoqueto

04/09/2011 alle 16:50  [risposta]  help me, PLEASE!

Outline added separately.

Carattere Identificato: Elektr_02_5

03/09/2011 alle 21:31  [risposta]  Help with a font I used before

Nice pic, I like it, that's how it should be used.

08/07/2011 alle 10:41  [risposta]  Skrillex font.

I'm working on a Skrillex inspired font at FontStruct. When it's done, I'll upload it here. At this time there's no real font from Skrillex logo. Looks like that his logotype was done from scratch in some vector graphics program, eg Illustrator.

Modificato 3 volte. Ultima modifica su 16/09/2011 alle 16:36 da Neoqueto

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