Can anyone please tell me what font was used to create the "hair" with all the lines in it? Much appreciated in advance!
Carattere suggerito
Stripes Suggeriti da JoCatalparo Letters are different for version Profonts.
I knew this would happen...
Well, stripes isn't the right font, and I have no problem charging a customer if I have to buy the font, but since I'd end up "remaking" the font, don't think it's fair to them to charge them for something that isn't right to begin with...
If someone is willing to make an EPS outlined of the word hair, that would be awesome... I could PayPal you $5...
Modificato su 26/09/2012 alle 17:10 da scotrinaf
J'ai vu dans un document français(pdf), une version de Stripes avec plusieurs dérivés( 3 lignes, 5 lignes,...). Mais je ne trouve plus le document.
Fuso orario: CET. Ora sono le 13:49