

5 posts

star1 font

14/07/2012 alle 18:15

what's the font used on "star1"
also maybe the star used?

star1 font

Carattere Identificato

Earth  Suggeriti da frd 

14/07/2012 alle 18:16

Carattere Identificato: Earth

14/07/2012 alle 18:39

know where i can get this font for free?

14/07/2012 alle 18:42

You can't, it's a commercial font, if you want to use it, you'll have to buy it. Other it's illegal. Just like you don't go to supermarkets and ask to take food for free, that wouldn't make sense.

14/07/2012 alle 18:53

aren't there any free taste test samples out there? lol

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