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5 posts

The fonts used in the 2008 RaveWave Motion Pictures logo.

26/12/2022 alle 20:43

Could anybody tell me what fonts did the 2008 RaveWave Motion Pictures logo use?

The fonts used in the 2008 RaveWave Motion Pictures logo.

Caratteri Identificati

Synthetic BRK  Suggeriti da LNAonDaFont 
Zephyrean BRK  Suggeriti da jerseygirl 

27/12/2022 alle 17:43

Carattere Identificato: Synthetic BRK

27/12/2022 alle 17:44

UPDATE: The "RaveWave" part of the logo uses Synthetic BRK, but the "Motion Pictures" part uses an unknown font. Could someone identify it?

27/12/2022 alle 20:23

Carattere Identificato: Zephyrean BRK

30/12/2022 alle 11:21

Thanks, JerseyGirl, for identifying it!

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