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7 posts

Identify FOnt

21/03/2021 alle 20:50

Can someone tell me what font is this in the HAVE A NIKE DAY title

Identify FOnt

Carattere Identificato

Serif Gothic  Suggeriti da fmontpetit 

21/03/2021 alle 20:53

Carattere Identificato: Serif Gothic

21/03/2021 alle 21:02

fmontpetit ha detto  
Serif Gothic

Is that E in the same font family because that whats throwing me off with my search. Also thanks for the response.

21/03/2021 alle 21:03

Yeah I forgot about those. They are alternate characters from the original pre-digital version:

As far as I know, they are not available in the digital version.

Modificato su 21/03/2021 alle 21:04 da fmontpetit

21/03/2021 alle 21:07

fmontpetit ha detto  
Yeah I forgot about those. They are alternate characters from the original pre-digital version:

As far as I know, they are not available in the digital version.

Thank you

22/03/2021 alle 01:14

But theres any link for download?

22/03/2021 alle 01:22

ZecaSilva14 ha detto  
But theres any link for download?

It's a commercial font, you can buy it here:

Fuso orario: CEST. Ora sono le 04:13

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