Pubblicità di Izabela de Lima



8 posts

what type of font we can use in website?

04/04/2012 alle 12:42

I am new one in website designing work so i dont know what type of font we can use in website? so please explain me anyone

04/04/2012 alle 13:28

Use fonts pre-installed on your pc :
- Arial
- Verdana
- Gerogia
- Times new roman
- Trebuchet
- Impact

Or you can check for "web fonts" (free ones like try to google this to find how to use it

Modificato 2 volte. Ultima modifica su 05/04/2012 alle 10:33 da vinz

04/04/2012 alle 13:36

And also check this out for more information :

04/04/2012 alle 16:51

Please do not use Comic Sans or Papyrus.

Modificato 2 volte. Ultima modifica su 05/04/2012 alle 10:34 da vinz

04/04/2012 alle 17:54

Apple Casual, however, is allowed ...

05/04/2012 alle 10:34

Myotis ha detto  
Please do not use Comic Sans or Papyrus.

i did not quote these... they are forbidden, their use is punished by death in some countries

05/04/2012 alle 15:23

05/04/2012 alle 20:28

As vinz said, you can use any font by using the css3 @fontface, as long as you respect the font license (regarding the embedding)

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