does anyone knows what's the font for both 'rem' and 'ariana grande' ? thank u
Modificato 2 volte. Ultima modifica su 14/08/2020 alle 13:13 da ANIMAL inside
Caratteri suggeriti
Walsheim Condensed Ultra Bold Suggeriti da Hondo5834 Alphapipe Suggeriti da Hondo5834 R.E.M. is possibly GT WALSHEIM COND ULTRA BOLD.
Ariana is possibly BC ALPHAPIPE BOLD.
With customized N and E...
Hondo5834 ha detto R.E.M. is possibly GT WALSHEIM COND ULTRA BOLD.
GT Walsheim Condensed Ultra Bold
YES THATS IT. THANK U!! now i just need the 'ariana grande' one
Fuso orario: CEST. Ora sono le 19:05