I know that the Fortnite font is Burbank big condensed black, and I know it was also used on the China Anne McClayne album, but I know I've seen it somewhere else and I've spent all morning looking for it. I'm losing my mind please help me.
Carattere Identificato
Burbank Big Condensed Bold Suggeriti da Daymarius 
Carattere suggerito
Luckiest Guy Suggeriti da iaintken 
You mean font Luckiest Guy, I suppose?
Modificato su 13/02/2020 alle 16:08 da iaintken
It's called BurbankBigCondensed Bold and this one is free

you just need to add a stroke/outline and set the outline/stroke size to 2

Modificato 2 volte. Ultima modifica su 04/06/2021 alle 14:28 da AllanFarizYT
Fuso orario: CET. Ora sono le 21:24