Pubblicità di erikgetzel



4 posts

cannot find these fonts

22/02/2012 alle 00:34

What are these fonts? I cannot find them anywhere!

#1: (after loading, look at the text in ALL CAPS: PLAY THE GAMES TO GET SPECIAL CODES AND UNLOCK OUTFITS IN THE BOUTIQUE! Next, look at the ampersand on the button that says Jump & Skip. Don't click it.)

#2: The font at the beginning of this video (click play & pause it when it shows the text):

#3: The font on this wallpaper. Found it on

Please provide the names & links to the fonts. I know the 2nd one is called Amelia (used it on, but what's the other one called? I've seen the 1st one everywhere!

cannot find these fonts

Carattere Identificato

August Bold Alternate  Suggeriti da Gabilo7 

20/03/2012 alle 20:30

1st one: Found it on my own.
Coop Black (main logo)
Coop Heavy (text)

Modificato su 20/03/2012 alle 20:33 da samuraijacksgirl4ever

21/03/2012 alle 21:12

Carattere Identificato: August Bold Alternate

21/03/2012 alle 22:13


2nd font: Amelia

Fuso orario: CEST. Ora sono le 00:39

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