

4 posts

Among the Sleep Enhanced Edition Logo Fonts?

15/01/2019 alle 16:27

Among the Sleep Enhanced Edition Logo Fonts?

Caratteri Identificati

Little Trouble Girl  Suggeriti da toto@k22 
Crackhouse  Suggeriti da toto@k22 
Jump Start  Suggeriti da toto@k22 

16/01/2019 alle 07:09

among the is Little Trouble Girl BV with a customized "o"
Carattere Identificato: Little Trouble Girl

16/01/2019 alle 07:16

SLEEP is Crackhouse but the "S" and the second "E" does not match the font.
Carattere Identificato: Crackhouse

Modificato 2 volte. Ultima modifica su 16/01/2019 alle 11:34 da frd

16/01/2019 alle 07:16

The S and E seems to have come from Jump Start ( but had been cleaned up and the letters made solid.
Carattere Identificato: Jump Start

Modificato su 16/01/2019 alle 11:34 da frd

Fuso orario: CET. Ora sono le 00:57

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