

15 posts

whats the name of this font?

24/12/2011 alle 17:45


whats the name of this font?

Carattere Identificato

Highway Gothic  Suggeriti da omarsouk 

Caratteri suggeriti

Saa Series D D  Suggeriti da SashiX 
Lane  Suggeriti da NassimO 

24/12/2011 alle 17:56

Carattere suggerito: Saa Series D D

24/12/2011 alle 18:22

i need this font free

24/12/2011 alle 20:01

24/12/2011 alle 20:05

Yes, Janis Joplin is a free font... of inspiration...

Modificato su 24/12/2011 alle 20:05 da rocamaco

24/12/2011 alle 20:09

24/12/2011 alle 20:17

By the way, the Saa Series D D is close, very close, but not a perfect match, alas
Linotype's Carta is as close but also no perfect match as is Cartographer and the rest of them.

24/12/2011 alle 21:03

24/12/2011 alle 21:13

Kat, feel free to suggest better font. I don't mind at all if you cancel "Exact respond"

24/12/2011 alle 21:32

All I find are close but none the real match so the URW version is as good as any other. We're dreaming of a green christmas

25/12/2011 alle 16:23

Well, i also searched this font and i found a very good free one.

Hope i'm not late.
Carattere suggerito: Lane

25/12/2011 alle 16:34

Tom Oetken is very good in cloning. He'll probably be the first one to clone man ...

25/12/2011 alle 18:16


25/12/2011 alle 20:20

Another burial...

14/05/2022 alle 16:20

Carattere Identificato: Highway Gothic

Fuso orario: CET. Ora sono le 15:18

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