help me identify this font, this font is from dafont but i dont remenber the name.

Carattere Identificato
Papyrus Suggeriti da Fontiane 
Look closely.
Here is Papyrus from the digital font to which you linked:
Note the differences in letterforms in the version of Papyrus to which you linked from the image for ID.
Note, for example, the top stem of _d_, which is tapered in Papyrus but not in the image for ID.
Note that none of the weathering notches correspond with the image for ID.
If you can find another Papyrus that resolves these issues, then we can call it a match.
I agree with donshottype, saying this one is Papyrus isn't very accurate.
At least it's not THAT Papyrus,
I found it actually is 'Papyrus EF' found in FontShop
Agree with APlaPi, the EF Papyrus is the match

-- the other Papyrus is not.
Fuso orario: CET. Ora sono le 12:10