Modificato su 26/10/2015 alle 03:46 da VexVloudz97
Carattere Identificato
Hemi Head Suggeriti da donshottype Custom lettering for _Saddleworld_. Here is a higher resolution image:
Closest font is perhaps Hemihead, which has gaps and various differences. An inverted and mirrored _m_ looks somewhat similar to the _w_ in _Saddleworld_.
A weight to match can be found on MyFonts at
Modificato 3 volte. Ultima modifica su 26/10/2015 alle 10:20 da donshottype
Thanks a lot!
I have a difficult time turning the logo in high resolution, this makes my work easier.
Fuso orario: CET. Ora sono le 09:45