Pubblicità di Gavin.Fiorina



6 posts

I get an error message every time I try to extract

08/05/2011 alle 07:40

I am new here. Please, if you need more information, just say so. My system is a 32- bit, working on Vista. Everytime I try to extract a font file I get this: ! C:\Users\Lacy\Pictures\LonaeLu\Fonts\ Unexpected end of archive AND
! C:\Users\Lacy\Pictures\LonaeLu\Fonts\ The archive is either in unknown format or damaged

That is the main font I am trying to download (the king queen font), but I have a couple others I like also. I first downloaded the 64-bit winRAR, and then I read on the forum and decided maybe it was the program, so I downloaded 7-zip. When I got the same error messages and outcome, I called a relative who informed me that winRAR 32-bit is what I needed and I downloaded it. But now, I'm still getting the error messages and posting this was my last ditch effort. So, am I missing something really important? I must be of course. Can anyone help me out please? Thanks in advance!

Modificato su 08/05/2011 alle 07:46 da piscesgirly777

08/05/2011 alle 07:48

Wow. Hope you can help me out. Been working on this all evening. I've finally got some of them to download.... Apparently it has to do with file size. I can't get anything over 45kb or so. Is this a curse of dial up? I know I have downloaded other things that are larger than that and used them fine... But it won't let me do that here.

Modificato su 08/05/2011 alle 10:11 da piscesgirly777

08/05/2011 alle 10:26

It should be 142 kB (146.192 bytes). Check your mail.

09/05/2011 alle 06:01

You are soooooo AWESOME! Thank you so much! .... I just realized your cat winks.... That's cute! You're just so stinkin' awesome for that! It worked perfect! *HUGS* You deffinately did your good deed today! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

14/06/2011 alle 10:24

weew i have the same problem too , please help me ...

16/06/2011 alle 05:32

Try to download it to you desktop (once again) and with other browser.

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