

6 posts

What font is this?

08/06/2013 alle 23:13

Anyone could help me identify this font ,please?
*only upper
Thanks in advance! ;-)

What font is this?

Carattere Identificato

Allura  Suggeriti da rocamaco 

08/06/2013 alle 23:33

Carattere Identificato: Allura

08/06/2013 alle 23:35

Gold medal for you!!!
Muchissimas gracias!
Thank you so much!I do appreciated!

08/06/2013 alle 23:36

Não há de quê...

08/06/2013 alle 23:38

Have a great Sunday!You helped me a lot!

08/06/2013 alle 23:39

The same to you...

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