Pubblicità di Creatype Studio

White Angelica

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10 commenti

letbewitch  05/03/2019
Do you mind if I use this font for commercial use in books and embroidery? Please reply.
lauren134  20/05/2019
hi I was wondering if you mind if I use this for commercial purposes !? its such pretty font !
let me know thank you
creatypestudio  autore di White Angelica   25/05/2019
yes sure you can use for commercial because it's 100% free
guiselcyangel  01/08/2019
Hello Do you mind if I use this font in a logo for a Photographer. How much donate? I love this font is really beautiful!!!
helmuta  17/04/2020
Thanks God i didn't use it in any commercial project! You change your licenses like socks. I'm sure this font was listed as 100% free (even for commercial use). I'm sure, because I don't download any fonts from dafont except the 100% free ones. Now it's for personal use only! Not only this one, most of your fonts are. So I just spent 3 freaking hours to remove them from my system (win 7 has some issues with uninstalling fonts) + re-save all documents that used those fonts! I don't think it's a mistake, a couple of others (Indonesians designers) did it too. Is this some kind of trap tactix for dafont users? You'll let them download 100% free fonts, of course some of the designers will use it commercially and then you change the license!!! What should the designer do then? Buy the license retroactively? Seriously???
creatypestudio  autore di White Angelica   17/04/2020
Nope, when you download the fonts as 100% free it will consist font file and txt file that state this font is 100% free commercial, as long as you can show that file txt, you will not have to purchase the license, you can still use it as free commercial license.

We're sorry as a our internal policy have to change the license because another reason that we can't tell.

So, you can feel free to use it as 100% free commercial license
helmuta  17/04/2020
Thank you for a quick response. Well, too late anyway. Fonts are uninstalled, no txt files. At least add to the description on each font, that everyone who downloaded those fonts as 100% free and have the TXT license are still allowed to use it commercially.
creatypestudio  autore di White Angelica   17/04/2020
Ok We will do that... thanks for your advice
Soulmate  11/03/2022
I would like to use your wonderful typeface for posters, postcards and a website of a design shop in Germany. Do I have to purchase a license?
bovendewolken  14/11/2022
I used this font for a tattoo. It's so pretty <3

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