
Anteprima personalizzata
 173.171 scaricati (10 ieri)   Gratis per uso personale

5 commenti

RAG  02/05/2018
상업적으로 사용가능한가요?
susitype  autore di Thirthy   02/05/2018
상업용 버전을 구입해야합니다. 링크가 파일에 포함되었습니다.
Excuse me, but is this font free for personal use? There isn't any indication.
susitype  autore di Thirthy   07/05/2018
Hi !
yes.. it's only for personal use only...
you could buy the commercial version via the link at the files you received..
Thank you! This font is really cool, so thank you for making this!

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