Pubblicità di Mega Type


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 278.405 scaricati (10 ieri)   100% Gratis - 2 file dei caratteri

6 commenti

soyangelcastro  22/04/2018
mina-girl  13/05/2019
Hey there :)Is there a link to purchase font for commercial use?
megatypestudio  autore di Reading   29/05/2019
@soyangelcastro Thank you so much.
megatypestudio  autore di Reading   29/05/2019
@mina-girl Hi,
If you want to buy a commercial license, please go to this link
Rere123456  20/06/2020
am i able to use for commercial font?
megatypestudio  autore di Reading   24/07/2020
Yes, you can use it for commercial purposes.
But if you want to donate to a designer, I appreciate it very much.
Paypal email for donation :

Thank you.

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