Pubblicità di 28fonts


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 329.636 scaricati (82 ieri)   Gratis per uso personale

8 commenti

benjamingreen  08/08/2014
Have to say, love this typeface.... good work!
28fonts  autore di Motherland   16/08/2014
Spiffyskytrooper  24/07/2015
Would you mind if I use this in a mod project I'm working on, for the videogame "Fallout 3"
28fonts  autore di Motherland   25/07/2015
@Spiffyskytrooper, you have a private message :)
Telsion  02/12/2015
can I use this one for my YT channel?
28fonts  autore di Motherland   18/12/2015
@Telsion: Sure, you need a commercial license for that though, and it can be bought here:
Catter  20/09/2020
Уважаемый, вы для начала вбейте в Гугл русский альфавит и как он выглядит, а потом уже принимайтесь делать шрифты. Спасибо.
Solitaryaa_  27/12/2023
Can I use this font for my clothing brand?

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